Welcome & Class instructions
Lesson 1 - The Imperative of Building an Email List
Lesson 2 - Defining Your Goals and Achievements
Lesson 3 - The Five Key Attributes of an Effective List
Lesson 4 - Maximizing the Benefits of This Course
Lesson 1 - The Critical Elements that Simplify and Enhance Your Strategy
Lesson 2 - Designing Your Compelling Lead Magnet
Lesson 3 - Developing Your Unique Signature Product
Lesson 1 - Simplifying Technology: No Advanced Skills Required
Lesson 2 - The Importance of Outsourcing List Hosting
Lesson 3 - Selecting the Right Email Service Provider (ESP)
Lesson 4 - Crafting Effective Opt-In Forms and Landing Pages
Lesson 5 - Integrating Additional Services for Seamless Operations
Lesson 6 - Essential Tools and Resources You Need
Lesson 1 - The Value of Consistent Follow-Up
Lesson 2 - The 10 Principles of Maintaining an Engaged Audience
Lesson 3 - The Power of Asking
Lesson 4 - Strategic Planning and Execution
Lesson 5 - Creating Your M.A.P.S. (Marketing Action Plans)
Lesson 1 - Acquiring Subscribers Effectively
Lesson 2 - The Five Key Sources of Subscriber Growth
Lesson 3 - Developing a Robust Subscriber System
Lesson 4 - Implementing Testing and Tracking Mechanisms
Lesson 5 - Next Steps for Continued Success
Learn how to use a tool that will expand your business
